IDEOS (Spoon et al. 2022; Paper II) provides the principle mid-infrared diagnostics for more than 3,330 galaxies/galactic nuclei from spectroscopic measurements obtained by the InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The spectra have been drawn and vetted from the Cornell Atlas of Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph Sources (CASSIS), a repository of 13,500 homogeneously extracted, publication-quality, low-resolution spectra of all Spitzer-IRS observations performed in staring-mode (as opposed to mapping mode). Target redshifts were taken from NED or determined from the spectra themselves. See our Paper I: Hernán-Caballero et al. (2016) for details.
Among the measured observables are PAH fluxes and their equivalent widths, the strength of the 9.8µm silicate feature, emission line fluxes and solid-state features in the 5.5-36µm range, rest frame continuum fluxes, and synthetic photometry. A full list of observables can be found here.
The machine readable data table with all measured quantities can be found on the downloads page.
A GZipped TAR file containing all IDEOS spectra can be downloaded here:
version 1.0 (January 11, 2022)
A CC-BY 4.0
license applies to the use of these data products. For your
convenience, the citation to paper II would be:
Spoon H.W.W., Hernán-Caballero A.,
Rupke D., Waters L.B.F.M., Lebouteiller V., Tielens A.G.G.M., Loredo T.,
Su Y., Viola V., 2022, ApJS 259,37
The IDEOS database is the result of an 8-year collaboration started by Henrik Spoon (PI), Antonio Hernán-Caballero and Vianney Lebouteiller, later joined by David Rupke, Vince Viola, Tom Loredo, and Yubo Su. In the final two years Alexander Tielens and Rens Waters helped with the interpretation of the crystalline silicate data.
The IDEOS project has been funded by NASA under awards # NNX13AE69G and NNX16AF26G.
For enquiries and suggestions, please contact Henrik Spoon.