IDEOS queries can be conducted in several ways:
◘ A target name search will bring up a single-source results page
with all measured observables for the target plus plots detailing how
the observables were measured from the Spizer-IRS spectrum.
◘ A target position search will list observables for all IDEOS
sources within the search radius around the selected position
(default 0.1' = 6").
◘ A search by IDEOS constraints allows to select a target
sample by using conditionals on
IDEOS observables
and other
IDEOS quantities
to constrain the sample size. For instance NE3_15NE2RATIO>1,
◘ A search by IDEOS ID allows examination of the results for a
specific Spitzer-IRS observation. The IDEOS ID is formed by stringing
together the AOR key, underscore, and cluster ID. E.g. "4935168_0"
Customizing the output table:
◘ Use the "show/hide columns" menu to customize what output columns are
◘ The targets listed in the output sample can be ranked (from low to
high, or vice versa) by the measured value of a single observable by
clicking on the name of that observable in the header of the output table.
◘ Click on the IDEOS ID in the leftmost column to access
detailed information on the fits to each of the features for the selected target.
IDEOS ID | Target | (ICRS) | Redshift | Selected Graphs | Other Graphs | Ne3(15)/Ne2 | Ne5(14)/Ne2 | O4/Ne2 | O4/S3(33) | S4/S3(18) | Ar3/Ar2 | S3(33)/S3(18) | C(15µm)/C(5.5µm) | C(24µm)/C(5.5µm) | C(30µm)/C(5.5µm) | Silicate Opt. Depth |
Mid IR Class |
Cont37Flux mJy |
Cont42Flux mJy |
Cont55Flux mJy |
Cont97Flux mJy |
Cont15Flux mJy |
Cont24Flux mJy |
Cont30Flux mJy |
PAH62EQW µm |
PAH77EQW µm |
PAH86EQW µm |
PAH11EQW µm |
PAH127EQW µm |
PAH62Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
PAH77Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
PAH86Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
PAH11Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
PAH127Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
TauIce Opt.Depth |
Tau685 Opt.Depth |
Cryst19strength Opt.Depth |
Cryst23strength Opt.Depth |
Cryst28strength Opt.Depth |
Cryst33strength Opt.Depth |
DrudePAH62Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
DrudePAH62EQW µm |
DrudePAH77Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
DrudePAH77EQW µm |
DrudePAH11Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
DrudePAH11EQW µm |
DrudePAHTotFlux 10-21W/cm2 |
DrudeMIRFlux 10-21W/cm2 |
DrudeOrigin | Ne2Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Ne3Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Ne5_14Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Ne5_24Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
S3_18Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
S3_33Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
S4Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Ar2Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Ar3Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
O4Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Fe2Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
Si2Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S0Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S1Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S2Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S3Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S5Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
H2S7Flux 10-21W/cm2 |
IRAC8Flux mJy |
WISE12Flux mJy |
IRS15Flux mJy |
IRS22Flux mJy |
WISE22Flux mJy |
MIPS24Flux mJy |
MIRI56Flux mJy |
MIRI77Flux mJy |
MIRI10Flux mJy |
MIRI11Flux mJy |
MIRI13Flux mJy |
MIRI15Flux mJy |
MIRI18Flux mJy |
MIRI21Flux mJy |
MIRI25Flux mJy |
SED Scaling Factors | Sed Stitch Comments | |
RA | Dec |
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