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IDEOS quantities other than observables

Below is a list of additional parameters that describe the data set. Some of these parameters (SNR...) can be used as conditionals in the "Search by Conditionals" search box on the query form page.

Observable Description
CrossDispFWHMCross dispersion profile FWHM in units of PSF for [SL2nod1,SL2nod2,SL1nod1,.....]
ExtractTypeType of extraction used: tapered column or optimal
PreferedSedFlagIn case a galaxy has multiple observations this flag indicates the prefered SED
RedshiftCommentOrigin and quality of the listed redshift
SedScalingFactorsFactors by which the SL2,SL1,LL2,LL1 spectral segments have been scaled
SedStitchCommentNotes about the scaling and stitching of individual spectra
SilFitTypeInterpolation method used to create the local continuum: power law or spline
SilAnchorTypeOrigin of anchors for continuum interpolation
SNR66Continuum S/N at 6.6µm
SNR9Continuum S/N at 9.0µm
SNR1125Continuum S/N at 11.25µm
SNR1225Continuum S/N at 12.25µm
SNR1325Continuum S/N at 13.25µm
SNR14Continuum S/N at 14µm
SNR15Continuum S/N at 15µm
SNR17Continuum S/N at 17µm
SNR19Continuum S/N at 19µm
SNR24Continuum S/N at 24µm
SNR30Continuum S/N at 30µm