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Spitzer-IRS spectral resolution as sampled by CHUNKFIT

We have analyzed the line widths of emission lines observed in the SL and LL modules as fitted by CHUNKFIT. CHUNFIT allows line widths to vary by 10% above and below our adopted line widths.
In the plot below we show the fitted line widths for all emission lines detected at 10 sigma or more. Not included are severely blended lines such as [NeV]14µm and [OIV]26µm. For the [ArII] line we excluded sources that have a detection of the H2 S(5) line that [Ar II] line is (partially) blended with. For the [S III]33µm and [Si II] lines we excluded sources with strong detections for the broad 33µm forsterite feature: |S_cryst(33µm)|>0.04.
We computed average line widths for each of the lines based on the portion of observations plotted from sources at redshifts <0.02. The results are plotted on the plot below. These results validate the spectral resolution table as shown in Table 2 of Spoon et al. (2022).